Inaugura "Jaffa Venice light boxer" personale dell’artista israeliana Ariela Wertheimer a Palazzo Mora a Venezia

“Jaffa Venice light boxer by Ariela Wertheimer for the Palazzo Mora at Venice

“Jaffa Venice light boxer  by Ariela Wertheimer for the Palazzo Mora at Venice

May 13th –  November 26th, 2017
Palazzo Mora | Strada Nova, 3659 | Venezia |


In the framework of the Venice Art Biennale 2017, Ariela Wertheimer is presenting an exciting exhibition in Palazza Mora  of illuminated art works using a combination of techniques dealing with the depths of all of our souls.

The exhibition presents works of light boxes in a variety of colours and shades and a chandelier in the centre of the space – all of which are lit up with interior lighting.

The light boxes are made from metal and are a combination of acrylic painting on wood panels with photographic transparencies on plexiglass and LED lighting inside.

The space of the exhibition consists of a wall of light boxes with figures from Old Jaffa in Israel and on the wall adjacent to them are figures from Venice – both from ancient port towns. The mutual relations between them consist of each having their own characters, stories, and the metals and footprints of an ancient port. Each figure represents one of us, each figure and their story, each figure and their own shape and colour.

Along with a light box 3 meters wide on a whole wall is homage to Leonardo Da Vinci’s Last Supper. In one box are 12 colourful characters sitting down for a modern day meal. They are not there for the meal but to spread the teachings of their bible, and their bible is the new religion, and the new religion is the social network, and the holy book is the “Smartphone”. Shoot and upload in an instant.

In the centre of the room is the chandelier representing the delicate structure of a couple’s relationship – marriage and life together as a couple. On the chandelier, is a painting of a man and a woman on panels hanging from the top and then the sacred words written, “For you are being sanctified to me” in Hebrew. In the centre of the chandelier, hanging on a thin thread are broken pieces of glass representing the fragility of the delicate marital structure which can be shattered at any moment. The lighting comes from above and smashes against the glass fragments scattering in all directions in an amazing array of lights.

Stampa Articolo Stampa Articolo